AAOS PrecisionOS

Collaboration Between ASES and PrecisionOS Advances Virtual Reality Integration in Shoulder and Elbow Education

[Vancouver, BC] ? March 6th El ASES y PrecisionOS proudly announces a multi-year collaboration aimed at revolutionizing shoulder and elbow education worldwide. These two organizations have joined forces to spearhead the integration of shoulder and elbow virtual reality (VR) simulation for residents, fellows, and surgeons across North America and beyond.

Recognizing the transformative potential of VR in surgical training, The ASES y PrecisionOS have committed to enhancing the learning experience with simulations tailored to shoulder and elbow reconstruction. Residents, fellows, and surgeons will have the opportunity to gain invaluable hands-on experience in a safe and controlled environment.

?We are really excited to launch into this new technology with PrecisionOS and explore how we can teach and serve all our members in virtual reality? said John E. (Jed) Kuhn, MD, President of the American Shoulder Elbow Surgeons.

This collaboration represents a significant milestone in educación médica, as it bridges the gap between traditional learning methods and cutting-edge technology. Through joint implementation efforts, the ASES y PrecisionOS aim to democratize access to high-quality medical training resources globally.

“We are thrilled to partner with the ASES in this endeavor to revolutionize surgical education,” said Dr. Danny Goel, CEO of PrecisionOS. “By combining our technical and medical expertise, we are paving the way for a new era of immersive and effective training for surgeons worldwide.”

The impact of this collaboration extends far beyond individual institutions, as it promises to shape the future of healthcare delivery on a global scale. Together, ASES y PrecisionOS are committed to empowering the next and current generation of surgeons with the skills and knowledge needed to deliver exceptional patient care.

Sobre PrecisionOS

PrecisionOS es el líder del mercado mundial de educación quirúrgica habilitada con realidad virtual basada en evidencia para la industria de la salud. Profesionales de la salud en numerosos programas de residencia, sociedades profesionales y empresas de dispositivos médicos Prefiero los módulos PrecisionOS porque mejoran la transferencia de conocimientos y habilidades. Múltiple, ensayos publicados independientes confirman que los participantes que utilizan la plataforma PrecisionOS se vuelven cirujanos más seguros y capacitados. PrecisionOS tiene afiliaciones de colaboración con más de 70 importantes programas globales de residencia y becas donde la plataforma se utiliza en más de 60 países en todo el mundo. Obtenga más información en www.precisionostech.com. 

For More Information:

Rob Oliveira
Chief Creative Officer, PrecisionOS